JOb Aid

Making the Most of Process Groups

Group Therapy Job Aid

Set the tone for a  constructive and fulfilling group.
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Skill level

Beginning to Advanced


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$ 4.99 USD

Make your process groups more productive.

Do you dread those process groups that turn out to be either a gripe fest or a superficial "Let's catch up on the weekend" chat? Here's your solution - a set of simple guidelines to read aloud at the beginning of the group. Clients appreciate your guidance on how to get the most out of a process group, and they value a chance to be heard in an environment where they can trust that the discussion will stay respectful and relevant.


What's included in this client-facing job aid?

What a process group is and is not

Stay on task.

How to use and benefit from a process group

Provide a satisfying experience.

Tips for giving and receiving feedback

Foster positive interactions.
A quick read-through at the start of a process group leads to improved group engagement and cohesiveness, increased trust among group members, and lively, insightful discussions.


Created by

Michelle Robin Gould

Licensed Mental Health Counselor
National Certified Counselor
Board-Certified TeleMental Health Provider
Instructional Designer

Please contact me if you have questions about your materials.

Patrick Jones - Course author
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